Nile Basin Reservoir Advisory System
Nile Basin Reservoir Advisory System (or NiBRAS) is a satellite-based decision support system that integrates complex back-end models with front-end user needs. NiBRAS benefits from the growth of open-source and non-proprietary tools, e.g., Google Earth Engine API, which made it possible to build a cost-effective real-time operational system. The system functionality will include different tools to facilitate the understanding of the water management issues associated with reservoir operation in the NRB and provide a basis for evaluating potential solutions. The NiBRAS tools are:
NiBRAS has been developed with research focus on four themes
Modeling the hydrology of the Nile River Basin using physical and data-driven models
Sensing Rivers (SR 2020): A virtual workshop on Satellite Remote Sensing Applications in Water Resources Management.
The worskhop was held virtually via Zoom and led by Hisham Eldardiry. SR 2020 included hands-on sessions on how to develop and use NiBRAS system.
September 2020