Welcome to NiBRAS

Nile Basin Reservoir Advisory System

NiBRAS Tools



About NiBRAS

Nile Basin Reservoir Advisory System (or NiBRAS) is a satellite-based decision support system that integrates complex back-end models with front-end user needs. NiBRAS benefits from the growth of open-source and non-proprietary tools, e.g., Google Earth Engine API, which made it possible to build a cost-effective real-time operational system. The system functionality will include different tools to facilitate the understanding of the water management issues associated with reservoir operation in the NRB and provide a basis for evaluating potential solutions. The NiBRAS tools are:

  • 1) Monitoring Reservoir Operation (MRO Tool)
    (status: currently operational)
  • 2) Monitoring Reservoir Initial Impoundment (MRI2 Tool)
    (status: currently operational)
  • 3) Scenarios-based Assessment of Reservoir Operation (SARO Tool)
    (status: currently in progress)
  • 4) Forecast-based Adaptive Reservoir Operation (FARO Tool)
    (status: currently in progress)
  • 5) Monitoring Reservoir Temperature (MRT Tool)
    (status: currently in progress)
  • 6) Monitoring Reservoir Sedimentation (MRS Tool)
    (status: currently in progress)

NiBRAS Research

NiBRAS has been developed with research focus on four themes


Hydrological Modeling

Modeling the hydrology of the Nile River Basin using physical and data-driven models


Satellite Remote Sensing

Monitoring reservoir operation using satellite observations


Reservoir Operation

Modeling of reservoir operation using optimization models


River Forecasting

Assessment the value of streamflow forecasts in improving reservoir operation

Technical Training

Sensing Rivers (SR 2020): A virtual workshop on Satellite Remote Sensing Applications in Water Resources Management.
The worskhop was held virtually via Zoom and led by Hisham Eldardiry. SR 2020 included hands-on sessions on how to develop and use NiBRAS system.

Sensing Rivers Workshop

September 2020


The NiBRAS research is developed by
Hisham Eldardiry as part of his PhD research work at the University of Washington (2017-2021). Hisham's research was supported by NASA Applied Science Program grant in Water Resources. Additional support from University of Washington Global Affairs, the American Water Resources Association, the Neece Fellowship, and the Ivanhoe Foundation are gratefully acknowledged.

Contact NiBRAS Team